Fees and Charges

The fees for St Patrick's College are set out below. It is the policy of the Catholic Education Office of the Rockhampton Diocese to keep fees as low as possible and St Patrick's College has structured its’ charges to the minimum level set by the Diocese in order to make places at the College accessible to all students.


Details Per Annum
Diocesan Tuition Fees (discounts listed below this table)
$2360 (Yr 7-10), $3040 (Yr 11-12)
General Purpose Levy (per student) To cover the cost of printing, resources, student diary, materials and most compulsory sporting activities and presentations.
$480 (Yr 7-10), $615 (Yr 11-12)
Subject Levy (per student) The subject levy is a charge per student to cover the costs of specialist equipment and its maintenance, transport and classroom consumables used by students during lessons.
$340 (Yr 7-10), $720 (Yr 11-12)
College Building Levy (per family) The building levy is used to assist with the costs of maintaining and developing existing college buildings. It is also necessary to help meet loan repayments. The building levy is payable, unless already being paid at a Diocesan Primary School. As this levy forms a collectable part of college fees, no tax deduction is available.
Fee Administration Levy (per family)
Technology Levy (per family) The levy is used for technology capital purchases at the school.
$120/Student, Maximum $240/family
P & F Levy (per family) This charge is to cover affiliation for Mercy College P & F to be a member of the state body, major capital items for curriculum provision and general student support by the P&F. It can be waived by providing service in the school tuckshop once per month.

Further Information (Tuition Fee Discounts/Health Care Card/Principal’s Concessions)