Inclusive Curriculum Centre
At St Patrick’s College students are assisted along their learning journey by the Inclusive Curriculum Team and a range of supportive structures.
What is the Curriculum Centre?
The Curriculum Centre is an inclusive learning facility for all students who require additional assistance or support in any subject area.
The centre is supervised at all times by the Inclusive Curriculum team to assist any student who requires guided instruction, consolidation or extension in all curriculum areas, either individually or in a small group. Access to the centre is guided by the class teacher in conjunction with the Head of Department, Inclusive Curriculum.
Students are supported in their learning through
- assistance with unit selections each semester.
- subject specific support in the Curriculum Centre. maintaining a dynamic learning environment to meet individual needs and learning styles, whilst meeting the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.
- collaboration between teachers and Inclusive Curriculum staff to support students to reach their potential.
- targeted student support in Across the Curriculum (ACO) subjects focusing on assessment, assignment research and writing.
- supporting teachers in providing adjustments and modifications for students to access the curriculum required, to ensure all students have the opportunity to experience success.
- up-skilling of teachers and teacher assistants, to ensure awareness and understanding of students’ additional needs and implementation of current, effective intervention strategies.
- up-to-date resources and technologies used in classes to promote student engagement.
- monitoring and tracking student achievement to ensure continued academic growth and success.
St Patrick’s College actively and systematically promotes inclusive practice by
- identifying and removing barriers to inclusiveness in policies, structures and attitudes.
- providing a curriculum that strives to educate the whole person and meet the needs of everyone.
- assisting all learners to continually learn and grow.
- assisting each learner to become a life-long learner.
- recognising and celebrating a broad range of achievements and efforts.
- offering a flexible, safe, enjoyable and challenging learning environment.
- promoting a collaborative approach to meeting the needs of learners.